Qì Seeds are a non-invasive acupressure treatment which has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. TCM principles teach that the ear is a microsystem for the entire body and that certain points on the ear correspond to specific parts of the body. Energy pathways or ‘Qì’ pass through the ear and when ear seeds are applied these assist in providing gentle pressure to certain points on the ear, promoting the flow of Qì to the area of the body that requires support and healing.
Our Qì Seeds are a tiny 24K-Gold plated ball which attaches to the the ear with a small clear adhesive sticker, allowing them to be removed and a new set reapplied in numerous different combinations depending on what the user requires relief for.
Qì Seeds can provide support with a wide range of health concerns, some of which include; insomnia, stress, anxiety, digestion and immune function.
We have crafted the perfect tweezer for ease of application. Stainless steel, powder coated black for style and precision, the Qì Seed tweezer is the ultimate accessory to include with your ear seed kit.
Once you have tried Qì Seeds and have unlocked the many benefits, we understand that you may not want to purchase a full ear seed kit each time - so we have created a refill only option. Refill packs will include just the Qì Seeds safely stored in our special envelope.
For your convenience they are available in 3, 6 and 12 month options